Our Diploma Courses
Diploma in General Duty Assisstant(DGDA)
Wherever there is a need for personal care nursing assistance is provided to the patient. Nursing assistants are the caregivers who, for the most part, help patients of all ages perform the most basic day-to-day tasks. This career choice offers a vast availability of jobs, job growth, and low barrier of entry – training is relatively easy to obtain and takes only a few weeks.KEI helps the students to develop their skills and increase confidence level by providing professional education in the field.
Diplomain Advanced General Duty Assisstant(ADGDA)
Advanced General Duty Assistants are the healthcare professionals who ensure that immediate medical attention and timely assistance are provided to patients in hospitals, clinics, and old age homes. The responsibilities of a AGDA are to ensure that those under their care receive timely medication, assist in daily routines and tasks that some patients will not be able to perform themselves, and also help maintain a suitable environment for a patient’s recovery. In a world where there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals to assist the elderly and unwell, the role of a GDA is irreplaceable and can be quite a fulfilling career option.
Diplomain Medical Lab Technicians(DMLT)
Medical laboratory Technology is a fast developing diagnostic technology which deals with the laboratory investigations to be used for the proper diagnosis of diseases.The laboratory diagnosis help the physicians for the correct line of treatment for the patients. To train the students for carrying out the laboratory investigations accurately and report to the Medical Officers which will help them in deciding the correct line of treatment for the patient.